Binary Mixer


Version Notes:
PFC, PFC3D 5.00

Level: Intermediate
Runs in Demo: No

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Simulation of a Continuous Binary Powder Mixer using Tetrahedral Clumps

In the pharmaceutical industry, the overall performance of a continuous, binary powder mixer is measured by:

  • how well components are mixed,
  • limitations of the recirculating regions,
  • how much shear is experienced by particles, and
  • how little product must be discarded at startup before a reliable steady-state mixture is achieved.

PFC’s performance, ease of use and versatility, aided by its powerful scripting language that reaches deep into virtually every internal variable and model, enables process designers to sort out and understand every physical and geometrical factor that influences continuous mixing.

This example involves the following steps:

  1. Define a modeling domain and initial conditions
  2. Define clump material properties
  3. Import DXF walls and assign a rotational spin to the rotor
  4. Create a template for the tetrahedral powder clumps
  5. Generate two groups of clumps using a FISH function
  6. Run the model for 100 seconds of simulated time


  • Granular
  • Powder
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