Python in Itasca Software
OnlineMar 26, 2025 - Mar 27, 2025
This course provides an overview of the Python programming language in Itasca software.
The course covers major applications of Python to extend modeling capabilities with the Itasca codes through many applied examples.
Itasca Educational Partnership
ITASCA Educational Partnership (IEP) Programs
IEP Research Program
Itasca's IEP Research Program offers assistance to qualifying graduate students with a desire to utilize Itasca software in their research.
IEP Teaching Program
Software Tutorials
FLAC3D 6.0 Interactive Model Pane
Tutorial: Simple Slope Stability
Using UDEC 6 and the shear-reduction method to calculate the factor-of-safety, this tutorial will show you how to analyze the stability of a simple slope containing: (1) no discrete jointing (continuum), (2) fully-continuous jointing (discrete blocks), and (3) noncontinuous, en echelon jointing.
FLAC3D 6.0 Easily Add Structural Support
Technical Papers
Elastic Properties of Fractured Rock Masses With Frictional Properties and Power Law Fracture Size Distributions
We derive the relationships that link the general elastic properties of rock masses to the geometrical properties of fracture networks, with a special emphasis to the case of frictional crack surfaces.
We extend the well-known elastic solutions for free-slipping cracks to fractures whose plane resistance is defined by an elastic fracture (shear) stiffness ks and a stick-slip Coulomb threshold.
FLAC3D mesh and zone quality
Mesh quality is crucial for the stability, accuracy, and fast convergence of numerical simulations. However, given the geometrical complexity of some models and the tools available for mesh creation, it is often necessary to accept meshes that deviate significantly from the known ideal shape.
Neutral mine drainage water-quality impacts from a form taconite mine
Surface waters at the site of a former Minnesota taconite mine were reported to have solute concentrations elevated with respect to water-quality standards.