Itasca Consultants S.A.S.

Lauriane Bouzeran

General Manager

Itasca Consultants S.A.S.

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Areas of Expertise

Numerical Modeling
Rock Mechanics
Software Development
Soil Mechanics

Consulting Services

Civil Engineering

Lauriane Bouzeran

General Manager

Mrs. Bouzeran is an engineer in the geotechnical and mechanical engineering fields. She has experience in the application of numerical models to assess the stability of underground excavations and surface structures under static and seismic loading in the framework of civil and mining engineering.

She has participated in the development and application of an advanced bolt model (called ‘hybrid bolt’) in Itasca’s three-dimensional distinct element code 3DEC for simulation of ground support performance in highly fractured and bulked rock masses.

She also has used a micro-macro distinct element approach for evaluating the influence of joints on rock mass properties and has analyzed fractured rock masses by simulating large-scale tests (based on the SRM methodology developed by Itasca). Her modeling experience encompasses the use of several Itasca programs, including PFC3D, FLAC, 3DEC, FLAC3D, and Griddle.


Engineering Diploma (Geophysics), 2010
Ecole & Observatoire des Scie nces de la Terre, Strasbourg, France


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Itasca Consultants S.A.S.